AP_RecurringChargeEnt Data Dictionary

Explanation of Column Names and Descriptions for the AP_RecurringChargeEnt Table in an EHR System

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
RecurringChargeEntID Recurring Charge Entry ID Unique identifier for each recurring charge entry recorded in the system.
ChargeCode Charge Code Code that identifies the type of charge applied to a patient or an account.
ChargeCount Charge Count The number of times the specific charge has been applied or counted.
DateLastUpdate Date Last Update The most recent date on which the recurring charge entry was updated.
DateOut Date Out The date on which an item was checked out, or a service or patient's stay began.
DateReturn Date Return The expected or actual date on which an item is returned, a service concludes, or a patient is discharged.
IsActive Is Active Indicates whether the recurring charge is currently active or has been deactivated.
IsCompleted Is Completed Flag showing whether the recurring charge cycle has been completed or not.
ItemID Item ID Identifier for the specific item associated with the recurring charge.
LocID Location ID Identifier for the location where the recurring charge is applied or managed.
ProductSaleEntryID Product Sale Entry ID Reference ID of a product sale associated with the recurring charge.
PtAdmitRoomTypeID Patient Admit Room Type ID Identifier for the type of room a patient is admitted to in relation to the recurring charge.
PtEncID Patient Encounter ID Unique identifier for a specific patient encounter that includes a recurring charge.
RecptID Recipient ID Identifier for the individual or entity that is the recipient of the charge.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type ID Identifier that indicates the type of recipient for the recurring charge (e.g., patient, insurer).
SiteID Site ID Identifier for the site or facility associated with the recurring charge.
TreatProcID Treatment Procedure ID Identifier for the treatment or procedure involved in the recurring charge.
ZUChkSum Audit Checksum The checksum used for auditing and ensuring data integrity for the recurring charge entry.
ZUDate Audit Date The date of the audit action performed on the entry in the electronic health record.
ZULogonHisID Audit Logon History ID Identifier for the logon history record that is part of the audit trail for the recurring charge.